Thursday 25 September 2014

Semester 2

Time flies, the first week of school just passed with a blink of eye.
I don't even ready for it. 
My first thought for MPU subject was bored, unimportant for me and it must be subject that easy to score.
Okay, I was wrong, totally.
It doesn't seems easy now.
Week 1 briefing about those assignments and project.
Week 2 start doing proposal all sort of things.
Week 3 submit proposal.
Week 4 start doing presentation or project.
Week 5 onward, test come one by one as usual. 

This semester I don't expect much as I don't want to give myself any pressure yet.
Just hope that this semester I'll work harder than previous semester.

Semester Two seems cool for me. 
Short study time and longer revision time for me 
although I don't seem like will use that time to study anyway xD

Its only the beginning of semester two, but I've started to feel stress in myself.
I feel breathless for several times, I can't sleep at night. 
Every way of getting sleep that I could surf in the net is not helping me.
Its been some sleepless nights these days.

Anyway, nothing to complain about this semester, 
nothing bad happen yet lol
I appreciated every single things that I have now.
Family, Love, Friendship

The biggest blessing for a teen, a college student is having a car and drive it to school,
no need to squeeze self into an always-full-bus that drive double the duration of the journey.

Other than that, having a family that always encourage me, telling me that I can make it.
Although it stress me sometime, but it warms me all the time.

The other blessing is having a soul mate that knows me well, love me and care for me.
Answer all my god damn requests, forgive all my nonsense and my bad temper. 

Not to forget, friends that always be by my side physically and mentally.
I appreciate my college friends that always help me when I needed helps.
I appreciate every gathering I had with my old friends.
I appreciate every laughter that we shared.

As I said, my attitude is always depends on how you treat me,
If you treat me well, I'll treat you better,
but if you talk bad behind me, I'll just ignore you and treat you as transparent body.

so, if you found yourself don't like me, just back off
Ahahahahhahahahha xD
That's all for today. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee! :*

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